Monday, December 22, 2008

WI RealSurvival Kits now ready

Finally the WI RealSurvial Kits are ready, some have been sold and shipped already. I believe it is the best kit on the market. The items it contains are truely essential and valuable, many with multiple functions. There will be in the beginning 8 videos, demonstrating key functions of the kit and "how to's" for best utilization of the kit.

The Kit is contained in a rugged Cordura bag, with a First Aid Kit in it's own nylon bag, and the WI FireStarter Kit in it's own nylon bag. Here's a list of the Items in the Kit.

  • Swiss Army Hiker/Camper knife
  • WI FireStarter Kit
  • 550 Paracord 20 feet
  • First Aid Kit
  • Emergency Blanket
  • Plastic for water still
  • Foil for containers/cookware
  • Whistle
  • Compass
  • LED light
  • Fish Hooks
  • Waxed string
  • Sewing Kit
  • Poncho

Several of the items are Kits; the Sewing Kit is a standard basic sewing kit, the First Aid Kit contains; bandages, gauze pads, alcohol pads, pain relievers, triple anitbiotic creams, Hydrocortisone Cream, adhesive tape.

The FireStarter Kit comes in a nylon bag, and includes the standard size 
magesium bar with integral sparker rod, a blade for scraping shavings and throwing sparks, a 20 foot roll of our wax paper tinder, and a small bag of WI FireStix for extending burning time up to 20 minutes in tough situations.

If you have this kit with you and learn how to use it you should be able to take care of yourself in most any situation. The cost of the WI RealSurvival Kit is $87.00, compare that to other kits available and you will not find one outfitted like this anywhere for this price. Most kits will have a cheap $4 imitation Swiss Army knife, when your safety hangs in balance, depend upon quality. The Kit weighs 17 oz.

For updates and more information as it becomes available see our Wilderness Innovation website.

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