Thursday, December 4, 2008

Website Now Up

Good news, the WI (Wilderness Innovation) website is now operational, in a basic format. I suppose an introduction is in order, perhaps a picture next time as well. My son Zach has an interest in the development of WI, and for the moment we are utilizing his skills in Web Development to promote the business and start to tie in all the various methods of electronic communication available today, that were not really in existence when WI was first around way back in the 80's  :)

The current format of the site is now basic, but still useful as there are built-in links to this blog, and to the videos, we also added email to me, The cool thing is the web page is built around a framework that Zach has developed, which will allow us to do everything we would like as soon as we are ready. Thanks to Zach for putting up the site.

In other news I have the schedule for the "Winter Survival" classes. There are 2 sets of classes each running 4 weeks, the first one starts January 22nd 2009 and the second starts February 19th; the times are 7:30pm - 9:00pm Thursdays, and will be taught at Spanish Fork High School, the cost for the class is $35.00.

The WI RealSurvival Kit is coming along, we are designing the pouch or bag that contains it, and will start production in the next 14 days, we already have some orders for it. There will be a series of videos that explain how to get the most out of the kit. There is no other kit available with this kind of detail and quality, and you get free training as well. If someone has the kit with them and has watched the videos, they should be able to make the most of any survival situation.

The WI FireStarter Kit will come available at the same time, and for those who purchase the RealSurvival Kit, you will be pleased to know that the FireStarter Kit is included. There really is no more reliable method for starting a fire than with this kit, you can literally start more than a thousand fires with it. No more worries about wet matches, or running out of matches, a butane lighter breaking or running out of fuel.

Next week there should be details about pricing and availability of these new items. Well that's it for now, be sure to try out the website: Be sure to bookmark it or save it as a favorite, it's quick way to get to this blog or to the videos.


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